Giveaway? Who doesn't love a giveaway...Parenting Week #3

Several of my blog friends are doing giveaways.  I love giveaways.  I really love winning.  I think most people are the same way, but because I love giveaways, I also know it's hard to enter every giveaway that comes up in your Twitter feed.  Most of the time I'm checking into Twitter on my phone and there's no way to enter all of them from there.

Today I wanted to share a sermon from Willie George and Church on the Move.  Having grown up watching The Gospel Bill Show, I have long admired and respected Willie George's ministry and the impact that he has on the next generation.

Recently I was snooping on their church website (sometimes I do that), and came across this sermon that he had preached the previous weekend.  As I was watching, I quickly discovered that although this is specifically for parent's he had some encouraging information for people in any kind of authority.

Hope this message helps you because I know it inspired me. :)

In The Zone - Part 5 from Church on the Move on Vimeo.

Sponsor Spotlight: Clara from Happy in Life, Young in Love

Clara from Happy in Life, Young in Love
I'm so, so happy that Clara is sharing here today.  I have no doubt that you will love this post.  I did.  Make sure you hop on over to her blog and follow along with her.  You won't regret it.

Hey there readers of "All My Love for All My Days"! I am Clara and I blog at Happy in Life, Young in Love. I am beyond excited to be on Danette's blog today! She is so sweet and has been so generous to allow me to ramble on today. This is me and my husband Ryan in this picture! {Don't you just love his bow tie!} I blog about anything and everything from recipes, my faith, our furry child {Sox} and lots more! I do hope you will drop in, but today we are talking all about the essentials: colors, music, and women role models. 

In an effort to let you know what I love and to hopefully introduce you to some new things, I thought I would share my favorite colors, in the form of an outfit, my top music right now, and a woman I greatly admire and why. 



My all time favorite color is deep purple. I think it is extremely flattering {it is the new black ladies, but much less boring!} and it is fun! It goes great with white in the summer and is really deep and pretty in the winter. Oh and looks good no matter what you hair color, another positive!! 
As far as essentials, I can't live without my Jack Rogers {the shoes} and Longchamp {the purse}. 
I bought both of them 4 years ago and haven't bought new dressy summer shoes or a new purse since!!

If you know me in the least, you will know I love some jams! 
Not on my toast silly, but the kind you dance to, worship to, and bang your head to. 
Yes, I love variety.
I feel like music has the ability to be so many things to us that is why it is so important to me to have different artists for different times.

I thought I would share my top 3 artists on my IPod with you all today. 

#1 Ellie Goulding
English Singer and Song Writer
Genre: Indie Pop
This is my go to music right now. I love her sound which is mostly soft and really unique. 
She sounds English, which makes her different from US Pop artists. You may know her for her radio hit "Lights" but I suggest you listen beyond that song. I promise you will love every song!! 
I did.

#2 Mumford and Sons
British Band
Genre: Folk and Rock 
Mumford and Sons may not be new to some of you, but they are such a great band. They have a sound like no other. I am NOT into rock and I love Mumford and Sons. I think that their lyrics are so meaningful and can really make you think hard!
This is an album to listen to all the way through!

#3 Jesus Culture
Genre: Christian Worship
Once again you may have heard of Jesus Culture, but I don't think I can sing their praise enough. {no pun intended hehe} I find that one of the best ways I can stay connected with my Savior is to constantly stay in worship with him through music. That is why I love Jesus Culture. The lyrics are scriptural and the music is contemporary. 

So now you know a lot about me, but I think that knowing who I admire and desire to be like would truly show you my heart. 

I think that I am most inspired by the story of Esther in the Bible. I am sure you are all familiar with the story of how Esther was chosen to be Queen and went through the 12 month beautification process. But in order to save the Jews, Esther must intercede to the King in order to save her people and she had no idea how he would respond, because she herself has hidden the fact that she was a Jew.

Esther's character is so strong and beautiful that it encourages me in my daily walk. 
Although I am sure I will never encounter the same situations, I can learn from her lessons and apply them to every situation. I want to be a woman of God in every situation from being a wife to being a mother and in my work situation. 

Thank you so much Danette for having me on your awesome blog! 
It is an encouragement to read your posts!


And the winner is...

Congratulations to Cecilia of Dearest Lou!  She is the winner of the 50 Follower Celebration Giveaway for a $25 gift card to Target.  I know that she will be needing lotsa stuff from Target because she's expecting.  If you get a chance follow this link over to her blog and congratulate her.

Make sure to stop by tomorrow because Clara Hodgin from Happy in Life, Young in Love will be sharing a guest post.  I'm enjoying getting to know Clara.  She has been extremely positive and helpful. Plus, I've already read the post and it's definitely worth reading. :)

I truly hope that you are all having a wonderful summer.  Until tomorrow, go with God's blessing and remember that He is for you.  Even when your world seems to be falling part, God is for you.

"Praise be to the Lord my Rock who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. 
 He is my loving God and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, 
who subdues peoples under me." ~Psalms 144:1, 2

Outfit for the Day...well, really the evening.

Purple and Nudes

Purple and Nudes by danette-dillon featuring south sea pearl jewelry

Just a little trick I'm learning from my younger sister, Dalayna Dillon.  She's has such a remarkable sense of style.  I hope I dress like her when I grow up.

Is That Normal Link Up

1. Is it normal to lie about your age?
No.  Why lie?

2.  Is it normal to have mistaken someone for the opposite sex?
I think that could happen to anyone especially if they are dressing like the opposite sex.

3. Is it normal to go #2 in a public restroom?
Not normal, but necessary sometimes.  Gross.

4.  Is it normal to sit RIGHT NEXT TO a stranger at the movie theater?
Depends.  Is the rest of the theater full or empty?

5.  Is it normal to lie about your weight?
Yes, but just because everyone does it doesn't necessary mean we should.

6.  Is it normal to sing and dance in the car?
I hope so. :)  No, for sure that's normal especially when you're on a road trip all my yourself and you're trying to stay awake.

7.  Is it normal to take self-pictures in public?
I've done it several times. :)

8.  Is it normal for women to have a gun license?
Completely normal.  We should feel empowered to take care of ourselves if we have to.

9. Is it normal to post pictures online of yourself in a bikini?
No matter how good you look in the bikini it's probably better to not post those pictures.

10.  Is it normal to like the smell of gasoline?
I hope so.  I really hope so because I love the smell of gasoline.  

Women's Retreat Recap

Wow.  So it's been over a week since I've been back from Branson, Missouri, where we had the Cathedral of Praise Grace Women's Retreat.  (Read more about our discussion here.)  We really had so much fun...maybe even too much fun.  There is one thing that is undoubtedly true.  God changed lives during that retreat.  I know that He opened my eyes to several things about my personality that I've got to deal with if I'm going to be all God has destined me to be.

God's like that, you know.  He reveals areas, weaknesses, ideals in our lives that are unlike His character or that don't line up with His Word, but rather than just changing us (which would be so much easier) He leaves the us with the responsibility to fix those issues.  Oh, the power of the Holy Spirit is there to lead and guide us through the changes...but ultimately the choice to change is ours to make and the steps we take are ours to walk.

So here's some changes that I'm going to be working on...
1.  Be quiet more and listen.  Don't be pushy even though you believe to the very core of your existence that you're correct.  People don't respond well to that attitude.  And, yes, you are passionate about everything, but not everyone has to be passionate about everything too.
2.  Don't be so hard on yourself and on other people.  We are all sinners saved by grace.  You sin and mess up.  They sin and mess up.  Pray for God's grace to love with His compassion.  (I've been working on this one for a while, but I still have some more work to do.)
3.  STOP PROCRASTINATING.  You don't have to be afraid.  Just do what you know to do and continue to walk in God's Word.  The steps of righteous people are ordered of God.

Below are some pics of the trip.  If you ever go to Branson, please promise you will go to the College of the Ozarks and watch them milk the cows.  It was so cool...for real. :)

Don't forget to enter the 50 Follower Celebration giveaway for a $25 Target gift card.  It ends tonight!



More Nails...a Round Up Part 2

Everybody likes to get pampered every once and a while and part of pamper, at least for most ladies, is getting a manicure and/or pedicure.

I have a friend from church who paints her nails really well.  I've included some of her creations for you to look at.  It's almost art...which is kinda crazy considering that her canvas is smaller than an inche.

Hope you enjoy.

Clockwise, Left to Right
1, 2, 3, 4
Clockwise, Left to Right
5, 6, 7, 8

Have you entered the 50 Follower Celebration Giveaway?  It's a drawing for a $25 gift card to Target.  That's a drawing that I don't think you'll want to miss.  Click on the button below.  The button will take you straight to the giveaway page.  


Who Can Turn the World On With Her Smile?

How will you make it on your own? 

This world is awfully big, girl this time you're all alone 

But it's time you started living 

It's time you let someone else do some giving 

Love is all around, no need to waste it 

You can have a town, why don't you take it 

You're gonna make it after all 

You're gonna make it after all

As a young, single woman in the business world it can be so easy to be scared of uncertainty--uncertainty about the future, uncertainty about family, uncertainty about relationships.  I know that I am often fearful or anxious about those subjects.  The privileges I have are quite unique for it was only 30 or 40 years ago that "woman kind" was in a very different place.  While women have been in the work force since World War II, to say that social and cultural advancement was easy is in error.  On the contrary, advancement and achievement was quite difficult.  Those difficulties were not because women were unqualified.  It was, however, the social norm.

As a young girl I remember loving staying up late to watch The Mary Tyler Moore Show on Nick at Night.  I loved that show.  Her show was the beginning of a revolution for women's, no, not the right to vote or even work, but the right to be treated as an equal.  All humanity, male and female were created equal with different strengths and weakness.  It's so important as human beings that we understand and celebrate those differences.  Further, every human life is worth equality.  

Recently, two things happened to rekindle my admiration for Mary Tyler Moore.  First, I stumbled across reruns of the show on I laughed again at all of the jokes.  The second, was an article in More Magazine.  I hope that you take to the time to research Ms. Moore.

 Are there any women at you just find absolutely influential and stunning to you?  I'd love to read about them.


Night of Hope

Every once and a while of have these extreme melancholy moments.  I hate them--literally hate them.  But there's always one thing that brings me out of those deepest, dark places are reminds me that life is filled with hope.  When I start seeking the face of God through worship and relationship I find myself encouraged.

When I recognize that I serve a God that is bigger than me and knows more than me it really "puts me in my place."  I have hope because, first, Jesus has saved me.  He's saved me from my past, the problems of my future, and from the troubles that are still to come.  I have hope because God has given dreams and His Word is clear.  His plans and dreams are for a bright future.  I have hope because He [Jesus] is with me the ends of the universe and beyond.  I have hope because even if I can't see where I'm going, I know that He orders my steps in His Word.  I'm not walking towards a cliff of destruction.  I'm standing on the precipice of an exciting adventure filled to overflowing with hope and peace and joy and love.

That's one of the reasons I'm so excited for tonight.  Tonight is the Night of Hope at Hope Worship Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma and if you live in the area, you need to be there.  Now I know that the Thunder game is tonight.  But let's face it fans, we're living on a prayer.  So, ladies, you need to leave those kids are home and come tonight to find, celebrate, and reconnect to the Hope of the World...Jesus

Here's a short video that will hopefully (pun intended...I'm not below them) seal the deal in your mind.

Tonight, Hope Worship Center, 81st & HWY 169, 7pm, Doors open at 6pm.  You're not going to want to miss it!

And since I'm thinking about it...don't forget to enter the 50 Follower Celebration Giveaway!


50 Follower Celebration Giveaway

We finally did it!  We made it to 50 followers!  Yay!

In celebration, All My Love for All My Days is hosting it's second giveaway.  I would love for you to help spread the word of this giveaway.  You can tweet about this giveaway everyday for an additional 5 points.

This giveaway will last from June 19th, 2012 until June 27th, 2012.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



Christ's Character

Last week was such an interesting week.  I saw God answer prayers that I had quit praying about, but I also had some major set backs in some relationships that I value greatly.  But through these circumstances God brought me to a place of realization and learning.  NO ONE IS PERFECT.

Reality is, I've sinned and messed up royally.  Other people sin and mess up royally too.  But despite their mess ups I have to respond with grace and mercy.  Maybe it's because of my pride, maybe it's because I have too high standards, but that is a hard task for me to live by even if it's in God's Word.

Proverbs 17.9 says, "Overlook an offense and bond a friendship; fasten on to a slight and good-bye friend" (Message).

An acquaintance of mine, Joshua Watts, tweeted last week, "One of the greatest marks of bearing Christ's character is our response to someone else's sin."

Is it possible that one of the reasons I'm so mad is because my friend's failure reminds me of my own downfalls?  Could it be that their failure to "live by the rules" makes me struggle with my own desire to live completely, 100%, sold-out?  Do I "hate" them because "they" made me question my faith?  No, I don't hate them...but I'm scared.  I'm scared that if they can mess up then I might too.

Truth is even when I mess up, because I will, God's grace and mercy is a covering over my life.

My prayer:  Lord, help me to respond with grace, mercy, and understanding.  We are fallen creatures who live in a fallen world.  You are love and your love helps me to cast out all fear.  Help me to live completely dependent on your love alone and help me to bear your character when my friends fall.  Because more than I want anything I want to point others to You and Your love.

Flea Market Shopping

Whoever heard of shopping to go shopping?  Well apparently that's what I'm doing and loving it!

Shopping at the Flea Market

Kain modal shirt
$85 -

Elie Saab wide leg pants
£1,324 -

Dorothy Perkins strappy sandals
$55 -

Leather bag
€147 -

Aurélie Bidermann clip on earrings
$865 -

Miso set of bangle
£10 -

Aunie Sauce

Parenting Series Week #2

Recently, I asked Pam King to participate in this summer's parenting series.  Before I share her advice with you let me give you some background on this woman of God.

Jim and Pam have been in full-time ministry since 1976. In addition to their calling of evangelism, they have been active in overseas evangelism, church planting and  development, humanitarian relief, and orphanages. 
Since 1992 the ministry has established over 280 DVD formatted Bible schools, and sponsored nearly 200 new church plants in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. The most recent church plants have been in Israel.

In 1995 the Kings established a humanitarian fund focused on answering the cries of the less fortunate. One result has been establishing House of Joy orphanage in Kahovka, Ukraine. The King’s ministry travels have taken them to places such as Brazil, Cuba, Russia, Siberia, Ukraine, South Korea, China, Israel, Romania, India, North Korea, Turkey and many others.

Their overseas ministry is focused on church planting and development, and humanitarian aid. In addition to their overseas ministry, Jim and Pam are actively committed to an extensive speaking schedule in churches and conferences across the nation. Jim and Pam have hosted scores of teams on overseas missions trips and Holy Land tours.

The ministry maintains offices in Kiev and Kahovka, Ukraine and Tulsa, OK. Jim and Pam have two adult children, Drew and Natalie.

There is a funny thing about us parents.....we think we know more than God.  
We all have a plan for our children.  Well, I should say that I had a plan for my children.  The plan for Drew was to go to ORU and that he did.  He first enrolled in another university that offered him a baseball scholarship.  After accepting and moving his things to Kansas, he quickly realized that was not what God had planned for him.  He packed his things and returned to Tulsa to attend Oral Roberts University.  My plan for Natalie was to go to ORU, meet a nice young man, get married and go into ministry together.
As our children, Drew and Natalie, were growing up, we instilled in them the fact, “You will go to college.”  Drew graduated from Oral Roberts University.  During Natalie’s senior year of high school, she came to us and said, “Would you release me from college next year to go to the Dream Center?”  There is a Dream Center in Tulsa, OK,  so we automatically thought that was what she was talking about.  We said, “Sure.”  We will contact our friend that is over the Tulsa Dream Center.  NO!  She meant the Dream Center in Los Angeles, CA which is located in the heart of Los Angeles where the gangs are, which is a very bad area.  
We decided that we would take Easter weekend, fly out to Los Angeles to show her the LA Dream Center so she could see just how rough an area it really was.  My purpose was for her to see it and realize that wasn’t the place for her.  So, Jim, Natalie and I flew to LA and visited the Dream Center.  We went to church at Angelus Temple on Sunday morning.  There you have the rich and famous but on the other hand, you have the former gang members and homeless people.  As I looked around that morning sitting in the church service, I had a conversation with God.  My conversation went like this, “Now daughter is called to ministry, has a great personality, is fun loving, talented and beautiful.”  “I have a plan for her and that plan is to go to ORU, meet a nice young man, get married and go into ministry together.”  “I’m sure, God, there are other young girls that you can call out here to the LA Dream Center.”  My thought was some other girls that aren’t as talented as my daughter.  I am just being transparent here.  God began showing me the spiritual pride and vanity in my heart.  Yuck!  
Then God started talking to me.  He said, “Haven’t you raised your children to hear the voice of God?”  I replied, “Yes, Lord!”  God responded to me, “Well, Natalie has heard the voice of God and now you are trying to talk her out of it.”  At that moment I knew that God’s plan for Natalie was better than mine and that God loved her more than I love her.  At that moment I released her to the plan of God with full confidence that God’s plan for her was better than my plan and that God loved her more than I love her.  
God gives us children.  We dedicate and give them back to God.  Our job as parents is to give them guidance and teach them to hear the voice of God and follow His leading, as they belong to God first.  

Farmer's Market for Me

I'm so excited because I have big weekend plans and my Friday starts tonight!
  1. New Carpet
  2. Re-arranging my room
  3. Herb Garden
  4. Farmer's Market
  5. Hanging with a really cool friend who loves history (like me)!
  6. Sunday Church
  7. Father's Day Celebration
I'm especially happy about the farmer's market because to my shame I have not been one time this season.

I put together this little outfit to wear on Saturday on Polyvore.  I hope you find some inspiration for your own closet.

Fair Fun

Fair Fun by danette-dillon featuring studded jewelry

Just as a side not...did you know that you don't have to set up a google account to follow this blog?  You can follow along on Facebook, or better yet, have these posts come straight to your email.  You see that little tab to the right that says "Follow on Facebook" or "Follow By Email"?  Just push the like button for Facebook and put your email address in for email.  That way you can be sure to never miss a post...if you want. :)

Do you have any plans for this weekend?

Nails, Nails, Nails...a Round-Up

I have this sick fascination with decorated nails and I always go to the nail salon with crazy ideas.  I always need help deciding which nail design to choose.  Hope this helps you decide on your next manicure.

1, 2, 3


Blog Star: Hi, My Name is Danette

My name is Danette Dillon and I blog at All My Love for All My Days.

When I started blogging I had no idea what I was doing, (truthfully, I still don't know what I'm doing) but I love writing and sharing life with people.  All My Love for All My Days is a series of posts about inspiration, family, being a single twenty something woman, Jackson (my dog), my job, my dreams, crafting, but more than anything, it is an expression of my relationship with Christ.

In an effort to help you get to know All My Love for All My Days I've included some links to a few of my favorite and your favorite posts.  


Parentally Advice


I'm talking to you

Aren't there so many things that you would love to tell a younger you.  I've made a list of a few of mine.

  1. Play a sport even though you're really, really bad at them.
  2. Almost never get a credit card.  
  3. Don't wear dresses/skirts to school everyday while in the 8th & 9th grade and don't use the excuse that they're comfortable. You are killing your social life.
  4. Don't start drinking diet coke.  You will be an addict for life.
  5. Choose good friends who are going places and make the sacrifices to stay in contact with them.
  6. Alway, always value friendship and apologize as soon as possible when you mess up (because you will mess up.)
  7. Alway pay attention to what you wear and how you look.  Wrong or right other people pay attention.
  8. Do what you love not what you like.
  9. Never kiss boys...only men.
  10. Only buy nice purses and nice shoes.  Your feet won't hurt and your purses will last longer.
  11. Spend more time with your grandparents and write down every story
  12. Allow more godly mentors in your life.
I would have to say that #2, #10 & #11 would probably be the ones that are the most important.  So let's share.  What's one thing you would tell your younger self if you could?


I'll Be Right Back

Hello lovelies.

I am so excited to be leaving for a Women's Retreat in just a few more hours.  We're going to have so much fun shopping and growing in relationships together and learning about different personalities.

I have always enjoyed studying personalities.  Don't you love how God created us all so differently and yet at the same time all in His masterful image.  I love that God values individuals...enough to make us uniquely ourselves, but I love even more that God puts His image on us.

We are bearers of His image through our emotions, our personalities, our critical thinking skills.  But the very things that make us like God are also the areas that our faith and actions are most tested.

Here's the thing.  The Bible says that God is love and if we are to bear His image and to do Him justice we must learn to love like God.  In the book  The Two Sides of Love (great book), Gary Smalley and John Trent write, "[God] is always soft on people yet hard on their problems."  Wow.  Isn't that so profound and very true.

So now here we are, learning to love like God, taking all of our personality problems, and submitting them to the standard of Jesus Christ.  In order to do that we've got to understand our personality.  Why did I do that?  Why does she/he do that?  How should I respond in a healthy way that  validates her/him as a person and still speaks to the problem?  What in my past led me to make that decision?  What actions can I take to not make the same decision again?

That's what this weekend is all about.

I wish you could go with us.  Maybe next time.

When I get back I'm going to have pictures and information and fun spots to hang out near Branson and Springfield, Missouri, just waiting for you to read about.  Let's catch up in a few days.  In the mean time, check up with my sister Dalayna.  She blogs over at Pointing Up.


And the Winner Is...

Very special congratulations to Connie.  She won the First Giveaway Ever!

As part of her prize package she'll be receiving in the mail:

  • $25 AMC Gift Card
  • $10 Starbucks Gift Card
  • Necklace from Purse-N-ality valued at over $8
That's a total prize package of over $40 worth of prizes.

Don't worry if you didn't win this time.  We'll have plenty more opportunities in the coming months for you to win something too.  Promise.

Have a wonderful evening and in case you didn't hear GO OKLAHOMA CITY THUNDER!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Is that Normal?

I decided to participate in Chalk in the Rain's link up.  This is really a neat idea.  Last week as I danced across down the hallway at work (there was no one looking) if that was normal behavior for a 20-something girl. 

Ok, here we go.

1.  Is it normal to Google yourself?
Absolutely.  A girl's got to protect her reputation.  Every histrionic personality knows that it's completely fine to be curious about what the internet has to say about you.  And besides, what if there's a terrible picture out there?

2.  Is it normal to pretend you are stuck in traffic as an excuse for being late?
Only if you are actually stuck in, if the traffic is bad (and if you live in Tulsa it's always bad) and you're already running late, then it's a perfectly acceptable excuse.

3.  Is it normal to have told someone they have bad breath?
NO!  How rude?  Give them some gum and you take a piece too.

4.  Is it normal to have worn the same undies 2 days in a row without washing them?
Gross.  Maybe extreme emergencies.

5.  Is it normal to put baby powder in your hair to degrease?
Completely normal. 

6.  Is it normal to have accidentally sent a nasty text/email to the person the e-mail/text was about?
Lotsa people have done it...normal?  I don't know.  I would hope that you wouldn't send a text of an email about a person.

7.  Is it normal to have lied to your doctor?
I think it's kinda normal although if you want to actually get better that's probably something to avoid.

8.  Is it normal to go an entire week eating cereal for dinner?
Ask any college student, it's normal.

9.  Is it normal to pull clothes out of the dirty laundry to wear?
Do I have to answer?  It's normal...especially jeans.

10.  Is it normal to re-gift a wedding gift?
Yes.  That's a given.  Understand, it's not that the gift wasn't appreciated in the beginning.  It's just maybe you didn't have time to go to the store.

There you have it.  It's this a cool link up?  You should definitely check out Chalk in the Rain!

Also, don't forget to sign up for the First Giveaway Ever.  It ends in just a few days!

Yellow, Green, & Blue

Discovered a color combination this week that I love. (Who are we joking?  I love all colors and most color combinations.  And my fascination with the combinations changes and evolves almost everyday.)  

I found some pins that I think you may enjoy.  The thing about colors, and pins for that matter, is they're are inspirational.  They help formulate creativity in our minds.  

Hope these are inspiring to your creativity!

1, 2, 3, 4

5, 6, 7, 8

For more inspiration you can check out this board.


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