An Adoption Story

I thought this short trip to my friend's house after church would be uneventful.  I would just go to make her happy.  She was a foster mom for two puppies whose homes had burned leaving their families with no choice.  They were forced to put their dogs up for adoption.  One just happened to be a very cute, puppy schnauzer.  

Wiry hair and scraggly, he sat in the floor looking at me.  He was cute, but truthfully, this was no love at first sight kind of thing.  We played on the floor for a while.  It was fun, but I really didn't know if I was ready for the commitment of a dog.

For one night.  That was the deal.  One night.

One night has now turned into close to four years of endless love, joy, yelling matches, bites, scratches, spot cleanings, baths, and thunder storms.  But there is one thing I can attest to.  Every moment has been worth it.

Pet adoption is such a wonderful activity.  Do it as a family.  Do it as an individual.  But when you open your life to a dog I know you too will see the excitement they can bring.

To read some of Jackson's adventures you can find them hereherehere, and here.


always thankful {free printable + desktop}

We are, yet again, entering the holiday season.  Personally, I have so much to be thankful for, but sometimes I get distracted.  I forget all of the many blessing God has given me.  For example, I take my family for granted.  I forget to make time for my friends, or other little, but important things I should be grateful everyday I live.

I am so thankful for God's many blessings, but I have to remind myself to stay always be thankful.  It's in these little reminders around my living and working area that help me remember to be always thankful for life, for love, for family.




On the Night Stand

Normally, I wouldn't call myself a big "reader" but I'm beginning to discover a strong disdain for television which leaves much time for television.  Here's a few of the books I'm reading now.  I strongly endorse them all.  Below are the links where you can find these books too.

Here's where you can buy these books.
the Jesus-Hearted Woman


When I Was a Child

I always find it interesting when God begins to speak truth to my heart--interesting and sometimes annoying.

Usually it strikes at the most inopportune times.  You know, like when you're about to unload a massive amount of wisdom unto a poor unsuspecting and uncaring soul.  Right there.  Right as the words are being formed on your tongue...You've already thought them.  You believe them in your heart and mind.  And you know that if you could just be heard by this person their life would be better.  You just know it.

And then the Holy Spirit compels you to stop.

You weren't going to say anything bad.  Actually, it was probably quite good.  And in your heart you would never want to hurt anybody's feelings, but sometimes (and this is extremely difficult for me to admit) it's better to not say anything than to say everything you know.

So, with the words on your tongue, hand in the air, you (or I) find yourself frozen in time left with a choice as the words of 1 Corinthians 13, the love chapter, come scrolling through your mind.

"Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others more than for self.
Love doesn't want what it doesn't have.
Love doesn't strut,
Doesn't have a swelled head,
Doesn't force itself on others,
Isn't always "me first,"
Doesn't fly off the handle,
Doesn't keep score of the sins of others,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trust God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back.
Love keeps going to the end."
Love never dies...
When we were children we used to think like children, talk like children, act like children, but now we are adults and we must put our childish thinking, talking, acting aside."

And then that's when you realize.  The more perfect form of love doesn't have to say anything or be right or even be heard.  The most perfect form of love just needs to be there and quiet and pray.

That's one of the most difficult tasks God has ever asked me to do--to be quiet.  I finally found a voice and now He wants me to be quiet.  But more and more that's exactly what He's asking me to do.  It's humbling to admit that sometimes the greatest demonstration of love is just growing up and shutting up.  It's realizing that you might be right, but that's not going to change the situation.  Words mean nothing unless they are backed by action.

I'm so not there, but I'm learning to be.  I'm learning that there is a powerful elegance found in quietness.  And that quietness is a part of growing old.  And that sometime quietness is heard more clearly than the loudest voice.

I desperately desire that powerful elegance to increase the effectiveness of my testimony because in truth, my testimony (my life, my actions, my example) fall short of it's capabilities.  I'm capable of more, but only when Christ's love in me has the ability to shine through me.  And usually that's through a quiet, consistent love.

An adult kind of love.

When I was a child, I spake as a child.  But now that I'm a woman, and I'm learning to be quiet.

My Paris-Part 2

Here are a few more pictures from my trip to Paris.  I'm sure you will notice my sisters in many of these pictures with me.  You can check them Dalayna out at Pointing Up Blog.  Destiny blogs at a Destiny in Sight.  Make sure to visit them!


My Paris-Part 1

I've walked many streets of large cities in the United States: New York, Los Angles, San Francisco, Dallas, Washington, just to name a few.  But none of these cities have had the history or impact of Paris.

The stories of this town dripped off the walls of every building...every street.  And I drank them in making them a part of me.

More pictures to follow tomorrow so stay tuned!


the pointier the better

Let's face it.  Fewer things in life make a girl feel more like a lady than a good pair of black pointy toed shoes and red lipstick.

They're simple.  They're classic.  They're very nearly perfect.

And what lady doesn't honestly, deep down, want perfection?...That's what I thought.

Not a single one.


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