One a Day Every Day...Just like Your Vitamin

Recently, my sister Dalayna (she blogs here) and I had a conversation about witnessing.  She told me of a challenge that she and some of her friends were participating in.  It's to witness to one person a day every day for a month.  I started to think about that challenge and I decided to take her on.

Witnessing and sharing our faith is such an important part of spiritual growth.  It's like a vitamin.  The more you take the stronger you grow.  The stronger you grow the more weight you can carry.

Here are the rules.

1.  Sharing your faith can be with a believer, but it needs to be done in a way that is encouraging to their faith.
2.  The ultimate goal is to see spiritually lost people come to find Christ.  Obviously, this works best if you have some type of relationship with the individual to begin with.
3.  Inviting a person to church counts...mostly because that this the door that has been flung open for me. :)
4.  If you're going to share your faith, you better make sure your actions back up your testimony otherwise you're hurting the message.  (I know that no one is perfect...just a word of caution.)

That's it.  That's all you have to do.

Here's the thing...Jesus came to seek and to save the lost.  He came to bind up the broken hearted and to give freedom to people in bondage.  We, as followers of Christ, have taken on His purpose.  He's given us the power of the Holy Spirit.  It is His great commission for us.  We've just got to do it.

I hope you are willing to take this challenge.  If you are just leave a comment below.  We can encourage each other and hold each other accountable.

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