Epic Fail

To you, my dear bloggy friends, I have an apology to make.

I came into this week with high expectations of this blog and myself.  I planned to post like everyday and I even posted that it was going to happen.  (For your visual proof.)  But then, life came swooping down on my head and destroyed those plans.

It caught me off guard, I tell you, and I still haven't recovered.  From some of the things that happened this week I don't know if recovery is a possibility.  It hasn't all been bad.  Maybe none of it was bad.

Here's a little clip from an adventure that happened yesterday.  I've decided that I no longer want a pet alligator.  I'm going to hold out for a mouse.


  1. Oh, gosh! EEEEK! I am not a mouse fan...or alligator for that matter! Posting every day is HARD! Have you tried the 30 Day Blog Challenge?


    1. I haven't, but I've heard of it. I'll look it up.

  2. you crack me up!!! and don't worry about every day, there's this little thing called life, we all deal with it too :)
    Oh and by the way, rats are better pets than mice, they don't run away!

    1. But, in my opinion, rats aren't as cute as mice. :)

  3. I definitely had to laugh at the video! Mice are so cute, but they scare me when they come running out of the wood works.
    Life happens :D I definitely find it extremely hard to post every day.

  4. I'm not a fan of any type of rodent...my manly boyfriend squeals like a little girl if he sees a mouse :) Hope he doesn't care that I just ratted him out...pun totally intended.

  5. Haha, oh gosh little mousey! I wouldn't have been running after it. Have a blessed day! Glad I am following you so I got to see that. Priceless smiles. You can find me @ http://www.onecreativeprocrastinatinggal.blogspot.com

  6. Aww, no worries Danette! Life gets in the way...it happens to all of us :)
    And oh my gosh at that video. I was cracking up. I used to have a pet mouse...I can't even wrap my head around the fact that I allowed that! They freak me out now!

  7. I heart your blog! I'm a new GFC follower :)

  8. I feel that way a lot!

    p.s. I had a mouse fall out of my cabinet and run around my house... I was surprisingly calm about it. The lizard that came in was a different story!


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