Meet the Lovely Ladies of the Sidebar + a Giveaway

There is one thing that I love about being a blogger.  I love the connect that it brings to this great big, crazy world.  Today, I have the honor of introducing you to the lovely ladies of my sidebar.

These ladies aren't just bloggers, but they're people just like you and me.  Some are mothers.  Others aren't.  Some are married.  Some aren't.  Some love crafts and reading and decorating.  Some just like to share their lives.  One thing is true about all of them though.  They are all women trying to make it in this crazy world--just like me and you.

Please, take a few minutes and head over to their blogs.  Check out their posts.  Make a new friend.

Samara from the Secret Life of Samara

Samara has been told that she thinks too much.  But what's wrong with that?  She finds so much joy in life and now she wants to share that with you.

Brit from These Happy Times

Brit is quickly becoming one of my favorite people in the whole world.  She's a mommy and a wife and she's absolutely in love with Jesus.  And she has a majorly cute shop.  Check it out here.

Kristin from Tales From the Nook

Kristin is a self proclaimed techie and believe me it's true.  She started a journey to change her life by changing up her diet.  She's started living the Paleo way.  I can personally attest to the difficulty living a new life style, but she's making it.  Check her out.  And because she's a techie she would also be a great virtual assistant.  She can help take your blog or business to the next level.

Kim from Singledou[b]t

Kim is an artist, a writer, a photographer, a knitter...a true creator.  She may be one of the bravest ladies I know.  After all, she did move to New York City by herself.  Head over to her blog and read some of her delicious recipes.  

Lauren at Fizz and Frosting

Lauren and I are new friends, but there's one thing I know all ready.  She is a great dresser.  She's got taste.  I love seeing pictures of her three puppies.  

Bea of Daily Living in Geneva

Bea is another new friend.  She openly admits that she wants to be a fashionista and she is on her way!  Stop by and see the products she loves and wears.

Brooke from the Intentional Momma

She's a professional turned momma and a wonderful one at that.  I love reading about the crafts that she plans for her little one and you will too.

These wonderful ladies have put together a very rad giveaway.  (Yes, I'm a little surprised that I wrote rad too, but it seemed to work.)  Make sure to enter and spread the word!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hi Danette, I'm Connie at, a new GFC friend. I would love if you stop by and be mine, too.

  2. Danette, thanks for the follow and sweet comment on my blog. Am following you back! Have a FANTASTIC week! :)


  3. Hi Danette - I tried to follow Fizz and Frosting through GFC - I couldn't find a link on her blog to do that - so I signed up to follow via email and Bloglovin. Then I tried to go back and "un-do" that entry because I didn't want to cheat....but I don't know if I was able to cancel it.....

    1. That's fine. You're following and that's what is most important. Thank you for entering.

      Have a wonderful day.


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