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LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the purple dress!!! And those shoes are to die for!! I am a new follower! I'd love it if you would check my blog out and follow me back!
Isn't that dress great?!
DeleteI love your must list! All these are amazing finds. Especially the shoes. =)
ReplyDeleteThey are great. I love Nine West so much.
DeleteHave to smile...a must list. So many musts...
ReplyDeleteWell, you know...
Some are mights, but definitely wants.
Stopping over from the hop!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE that Michael Kors purse. So fall. A MUST!
XO Brin
Michael Kors is probably my favorite designer. Probably.
DeleteLoving the MK bag !
Me too, obviously. :)
DeleteLove ALL your October MUST HAVE list!! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteHopefully it will help shape some purchasing decisions. At least it's sharing mine.
DeleteGreat Ocotober Must list. Those shoes are super adorable. I have been resisting buying a tablet of any kind until the holiday but I'm not sure I can hold out any longer, I think I need one in my life.
ReplyDeleteTabels have the potential to be a great asset. Just get the right one for you.
DeleteI love that purple dress!!
ReplyDeleteDropping by from the Live Laugh Rowe blog hop. :)
Thank you! I think that dress would be perfect on any body type.