Thank You Readers

Dear Readers,

Thank you for taking time to read and comment on posts on this blog.  If you have read very many posts then you've probably realized that one of my life long goals is to use my blog to inspire people to change their world.

I can only hope and pray that through this outlet you have felt inspired and empowered.  Truly, we all have the power to change the world.  We just have to do something.  We have to move.  We have research.  We have to act.

Thank you for your support.  I so appreciate the comments here on the blog, on twitter, on Google +, and on Facebook.  I'm just like most women.  I have doubts.  I wonder if when I post something that I find to be pointed if it will offend people.  (Truly, that is never the end plan.)  But your comments and shares really lead me to believe that what I'm writing is resonating--that it makes sense to someone else besides me.

Thank you for supporting this blog with your sponsorships.  That truly helps me.

To say thank you in a more tangible way I'm hosting a giveaway.  To celebrate you I am giving away two copies on Blog Inc.

As most blog readers tend to be bloggers themselves I have no doubt that you will benefit from this book.  Blog Inc. by Joy Deangdeelert Cho (you can read more from Joy here) is one of the most challenging and resourceful books I've read.  I believe that it will help inspire you in your quest to be a better blogger and to use your blogging to change your part of the world.

Thank you again, readers.  I appreciate you.

Thankfully yours,


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I wasn't sure if it meant that I was supposed to write my email here. I left it in the rafflecopter form.

  2. Thanks for hosting this giveaway. Crossing my fingers.

  3. I found your blog via Hello Cotton. Now following via GFC. I've heard great things about this book, so I am excited for this giveaway. Thanks for hosting.

    1. Thank you for following! I love the book so much.

  4. Oooh so excited! This looks like a great book. :)

  5. What a fun giveaway!! Very cool!!

    My email is


  6. Just saying Hello. i'm a new reader. & I like your site!

  7. Oh, I have been really itching to read this book!

  8. Oh! I've been wanting to read this!

  9. OH i've been saving up for this book!!! I'd LOVE LOVE To be able to read it!!

  10. What a great giveaway idea! =) You are too sweet!

  11. What a nice giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win. I have set up a blog site but am stuck on how to get started, and where to go form there. This book would be such a help to me. Thank you, Pam Brouillsrd

  12. Hey girl, wanted to see if this has been drawn!


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