a Week of Thanksgiving...Lanie Luttrell


Hello, let me introduce myself. I am Lanie Luttrell from "Shoutin' It Loud" and let me just say I am SUPER excited to be here! Thank you so much, Danette, for giving me this opportunity to guest post. It is definitely an honor to post on one of my favorite blogs.

A couple things I am thankful for is God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, the Bible, my family (including my pets), my church, friends (this includes your pets too!), my house, food, clothing, and showers. Now this may be the basics, but not everyone has the basic necessities. But there is a couple things I would like to share with you that I'm recently thankful for that has been radiating in my heart.

So lately I have been reading in the 4 gospels and something that has really been brought to my attention is when Jesus feeds several people with what looks like not enough. Every time the disciples ask if there would be enough, Jesus took the food and gave thanks and there would always be food left over after satisfying all the people in the crowd. (Mark 8:1-13)

There are several things you can pull from this story, but one thing I pulled out is the simple truth that He, God, is always enough. In fact, He is MORE than enough! When it looks like we won't have enough to get us through, we can still give thanks to Him for what we do have, and God will take care of us as long as we keep our eyes and heart on Him. That is another thing I am thankful for. Just remember, God will NEVER leave us, or forsake us!  

So anyway, Here is some more things I am thankful for that, well, isn't a need, but things I enjoy!
Music, my instruments (I practically collect them... there's so many!), my phone, the mall, my car Lulu, computer, twitter, Facebook, and last but definitely not least, my blog! 

Thank you so much All My Love for All My Days readers! I would love to hear back from you! Just comment below! 

Wanna come check me out, or at least... check out my blog?! Then here ya go!  http://lanieluttrell.blogspot.com/ 

I am thankful you read this :)


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