make Christmas bright with Marbleized Letters

Today I'm starting a series that will last through Christmas.  It's called making Christmas bright.  I hope that you feel inspired to change your environment,  your home, your life and the lives of people around you.

On Friday, Jenn of My {not so} Glamorous Life and I will reveal a big surprise.  It has all to do with you making the Christmas of the people around you brighter.  I think you're going to enjoy this challenge.  Be sure to come back on Friday.

Here's a little project I worked on this week.

Here's a look at the finished product. In hindsight, I wish the letters were bigger.  I got the largest available for purchase at the craft store, however, the bigger the room the larger the letters should be and this foyer is a very large room.
Thanks for visiting and don't forget to enter the giveaway.  And Friday, don't forget to come back and discover how you can make this Christmas season brighter for someone else.  Let's make Christmas bright!


The DIY Dreamer


  1. I love the way that looks over the fireplace :)

    1. I think that the light for the fireplace enhances the metallic paint. It makes it glow.

  2. LOVE the letters! I have three kids and wanted to take their picture with each holding a letter of the word joy. Thanks for showing me how to make them cuuuuute! Looking forward to your Christmas posts. :) xoxo

    1. You could do this with so many different words. You could do SANTA and paint the words alternating red and many things.

  3. What a wonderful idea! :) Love this.

  4. Those are gorgeous! I want to make some that say BELIEVE.

  5. One little word with such a great message! Thank you for linking up! xx

  6. These came out really nice! I'm gonna pin this so I'll remember it when holiday season rolls back around.


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