Mother's Day Printable

Over the next few weeks my life will be busy with end of the school year activities one of which happens to be Mother's Day.  We all want to make Mother's Day special for the women who have impacted our lives, but especially for our mothers.

I'll be sharing a few affordable items that can just brighten the ladies of your life who have impacted you.

The first a set of bookmarks.  After downloading the PDF (here or click on the image) print it on card stock.  Use a paper cutter or really sharp paper scissors to give help give you a clean line.  Then just pass them out.  You might choose to pair the bookmark with a vintage book or cookbook.  Most women I know, including myself, would love that!

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  1. These are to cute! Hi! I’m your newest follower from Thumping Thursdays. I'm following you via twitter @amomblogdesign. Please stop by and say hi when you have a chance. I'm also hosting a blog hop later this afternoon if you would like to join us :) Hope you're having an awesome week.

    April from:
    A Mommy's Blog Design

  2. These are looking nice and actually I’m also thinking to give something special for my mum and this would be good idea.


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