God wants us to move past this action of surrendering into a surrendered life. In other words, God desires us to move past the process of surrendering every problem as it arises in our life. He wants us to move into a new realm of trust. He deeply desires us to always live in this complete trust state.
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Trusting completely without reservation is difficult, but when we recognize who God truly is and when we step into a realization of His sovereignty, trust does come much easier. Nonetheless, this comprehension can only be achieved when we leave our understanding of God on an intellectual level and cultivate heart knowledge of who God is. I love what J. I. Packer says in his book Knowing God. He writes, "A little knowledge of God is worth more than a great deal of knowledge about Him."
I feel so deeply that God is calling His church, the very Love He died for, back to Him and back to a knowledge of Him. Not who He is or what He did or what He's like or even what He can do. He is calling us back to Him.

I hear the voice of the Holy Spirit saying the same to us today. "I love how you love the broken and hurt. I love how you show my compassion. I love how value the poor and the needy. You're doing a wonderful job at showing my compassion. You're doing a great job at not giving up. But you've forgotten to love for Me."

Tonight I'm finding myself praying as the psalmist of Psalm 42 prayed, "As the deep pants for streams of water so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God."
It's here, in this place of a surrendered life, that we can truly know God not for what He is, but for who He is. And for that, my soul lives.