I couldn't wait to escape the day on my evening walks through the reservoir. Many times I would stay out well past dark just drinking in the magic of my place.
In reality, my magical hideaway is just a huge drainage ditch that runs along the back of our property catching any flood water from the Arkansas River. But to me, that huge ditch was a beautiful place for my mind to find quiet. It become a beautiful place to me.
It's interesting how God takes similar ditches in our lives and makes them places of beauty.

Ecclesiates 3:11 says, "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end." That's so like Christ taking everything that the enemy means for evil in our life and turning it around for good...those dead, dry memories in our lives and uses them to bring Him glory.
There's no way to completely understand God and His sovereignty. He works in ways we cannot see or understand, but we have this assurance that He is working. He's taking the drainage ditches in our lives and plants beautiful flowers in them. He's taking the overgrown, dark path and clears the branches making an easy path for us to follow. He's working all things for our good.
Today, I leave you with this. Look for the beauty in the ugly. Find the joy in the sadness. Discover the comfort in the pain. Though difficult to find, it's there. It's waiting to point you back to Christ and to His ability to restore your heart.
mmm...Amen, sister! It's awesome to look back on my life and see how God has turned my mourning into joy and used the bad to lead to something that is better than I could have ever dreamed possible. Our God is great!
ReplyDeleteHe is so very great. I'm learning that sometimes I have to get some "perspective" before I find somethings as good.
DeleteDanette, I just had to come tell you how amazing your pinterest is. You are truly a woman who sees beauty in many things! I love your inspiring posts and pinterest pins!
ReplyDeleteLovely post! It is so true, there is beauty/silver linings in everything :)
ReplyDeleteI’m 100% agreed with you. That was an amazing post. Enjoyed a lot.
ReplyDeleteLovely post. It is difficult to find God in the ugly. When He is all there is to hold on to, then He is revealed. Beautiful.
ReplyDeletewhat beautiful, encouraging words :)
ReplyDeletelike donna said, it is difficult, but ultimately his glory will be revealed!
It was an amazing post and I agree with your all point which u mention about life and everything