New Mercies

Many times the only strength I have is knowing that God is with me, that He surrounds me with His love and care, and that tomorrow He is still walking beside me.

I am so thankful for God's grace and mercy.  I am thankful that, even when I am incredibly unfaithful, He is not.  His faithfulness will endure from everlasting to everlasting.

I know in these days hopelessness and desperation abound, but I have found my hope and you can too.  Hope is only a prayer away.


  1. I love the simplicity in this. Our pastor said Sunday that "God is 100% devoted to us," and it was such a powerful way of saying that he never gives up on us...thanks so much for sharing your heart with us!

  2. You are so right... He is always there, and He mercies are new every morning... Praying for you/with you!

  3. I really love it and it looks so simple and nice.

  4. Amen, what a beautiful post. Enjoyed the read!

  5. That's really a nice post which really impress everyone's heart. I really love it.


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