Old Fashion Shrimp Boil

If you follow All My Love for All My Days on Facebook or Twitter you may have noticed that I've become somewhat obsessed with nautical anything.  You won't find me making any apologies.  Why would I?  Classical colors.  Fun stripes.  And the ocean...lots of the ocean.

My grandmother always serves boiled shrimp for our Christmas Eve dinner and they are always wonderful.  But it was on the shore of Pensacola Beach that I experiences the true beauty of a colossal shrimp.  And wow, oh wow!  Amazing.

I'm certain that recreating that recipe would be impossible for me mostly because truly fresh shrimp isn't quite as possible as I'd like living in middle America.

Here's the recipe I came up with and it was quite good, if I do say so myself.

Click the image to download.

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  1. Boiling, preserves more nutrition then frying them.

  2. My mom loves making a shrimp boil for big family gatherings. Yours looks great!! Thanks for joining in the PInterest Challenge.

    1. You're welcome. I think I could eat shrimp everyday. I must have inherited that from my dad. :)

  3. I love shrimp and boiling them is the way to go..I really don't like any of my seafood fry. Great recipe. I came over to visit you via One Tough Mother party.

    1. Thank you for stopping by. I agree. Boiling them is better than fried.

  4. I've never tried shrimp boil before, but this looks simple and yummy. Thanks for sharing at I Made It! Monday. Be sure and grab a featured button when you link up this week.


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