The Line Up: Noonday Collection

This is NOT a sponsored post.  All of the opinions and views are my own.

Last September, I attended a truck show hosted by the ladies of Prairie Hive for one of the most unique direct sales products I've ever seen.  I loved the designs of the jewelry and home items, but I loved the purpose of the products so much more.

Noonday Collection was started in in 2010 after Jessica Honegger and her husband, Joe, decided to adopted internationally.  Orginally, Jessica hosted truck shows in her home with necklaces, bracelets, scarves that she had picked up on her latest trip to Uganda.  Soon she found that her shoes began to grow.  She realized that she was making an impact on her world.  Not only was she raising money for her own international adoption, but she was also making a huge impact in the world by giving the artisans would made the products a job.

Even though Jessica and Joe have added to their family, Noonday still believes every child belongs in a family and their products help fund adoptions both international and state side.

I just love this company--it's meaning and their products--so much I wanted to share some of their line with you today.  I know you will love them too.


  1. love that lace bracelet. so delicate!

  2. I love the shoes and necklace! I will have to check them out, thank you for sharing!

    1. I think you really like all of their line. If you get a chance, go to a truck show. It makes their message that much more powerful.

  3. Awesome Accessories. I love each and every single piece.


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