Thanksgiving {Free} Printable

As mentioned in previous posts, I find printables such a wonderful way to brighten a room and especially during the holiday season.  You may remember this printable from a few weeks ago.

No matter what difficulties you experience in your life always remember to give thanks.  Something happens inside of us when we take our attention off of our problems and put them on our God who is all powerful and more than able to meet every need.  Faith begins to rise in our hearts and we all know that "without faith it is impossible to please God" (Heb. 11:6).

Be encouraged today and "in everything give thanks" (1 Thess. 5:8).


  1. beautiful! I love that font. And of course the actual verse takes the cake. What would life look like if we all really DID give thanks for everything? Pretty different, I am sure!

  2. Absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing :)


  3. Beautiful! One of my favorite verses and I really like the colors!

    Michelle @ Life on the Horizon

  4. hey beauty! i'm a new follower thanks to the blog hop! YAY! love these printables, love your heart, love the Scripture you connected them to!!! Glory to God! hope you're having a lovely tuesday, babe! xx

  5. Surely will pin this ...Love this .Its in my favorite list of verses


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