DIY Sea Shell Napkin Rings

I love the ocean, but I live in land locked Oklahoma.  It's true that we do have a lot of lakes and there is lots of shoreline to walk, but nothing--NOTHING--can beat the sound of the waves rushing in.  Nothing can replace the feel of the sand between your toes.  Nothings can beat the water splashing against your feet.  Nothing.

I may not be able to go to the least not right now.  That only leaves one option for me.  I've got to bring the ocean to me.

These napkin rings are super simple to make and
they allow for a lot of creativity of your own.  Here's what you need.

4- 5 inch strips of burlap ribbon
Assorted Sea Shells
Small Pieces of Felt
Hot Glue

1.  Affix one of the small pieces of felt to the back of the sea shells.  This is help provide stability to the shell and make adorning the burlap ribbon much easier.
2.  After the hot glue is dry, attach the shell to the burlap ribbon.  I used hot glue again.
3.  After the sea shell has been affixed and if dry, hot glue the two ends of the ribbon together forming a circle.  If you wanted, you could make the burlap ribbon strips a little longer and then simply tie the ends together.  I like the finality of glueing the ribbon ends together.
4.  To prevent burning your fingers and also to provide more stability to your ring, I suggest affixing one of piece of felt underneath the ring over the glue.  The felt acts as a binder.

See?  Super simple and one step closer to the ocean.  Stay tuned the rest of the week.  I'll be sharing how I used these napkin rings in my summer tablescape.  I think you will enjoy it.  In the meantime, did you miss yesterdays Summer Sunrise Mocktail recipe?  Here's a link for you.

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  1. These napkin rings are a perfect pairing for my fancy cloth napkins. I'm going to hit the craft store to find some burlap ribbon and some wooden napkin rings since I like the rigidity of the rings.

    1. Adding the wooden napkin rings is a great idea! Since you will have the extra structure, you could add the shells all the way around the ring. That might be a nice touch.


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