Mocktail Mondays ~ Strawberry Fizz

I'm learning that mocktails are pretty simple. Pretty much you can just take any fruit juice or combination of fruit juices and add some ginger ale or 7Up and viola. You have a mocktail. Having the courage to try new combinations can be tricky.  Think about it. More often than not, when going to your favorite restaurant you can easily find yourself recycling the same dishes. Or maybe that's just me...

Here's a combination that I decided to try. You know what? I like it. A lot.

Here's what you'll need:
Strawberry Daiquiri mix for the frozen section
Ginger Ale
Strawberries to garnish

Mix the daiquiri mix with a slightly frozen ginger ale.  Add a strawberry to garnish and there you have it: a strawberry fizz.

I hope you are enjoying trying these new drinks.  They are great for summer entertaining.  Make sure to come back next Monday!


  1. This might be my favorite series ever! I've never liked any type of alcoholic beverage I've ever had so I've got to try some of your mocktails, this one looks like one that I'd really love!

    1. Personally, I don't drink. But that doesn't mean that I can't enjoy something fun. :)

  2. I love these mock tail recipes!! I don't drink but love yummy drinks that are creative so I love this!!

    1. Same here. I don't drink either. It's kinda fun to make fun drinks that look pretty too.


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