Short & Sweet

I was just combing through Pinterest.  Just enjoying my morning.  And then, BAM!  Instant tears.  Instant regret.  Instant action.

Life doesn't have to be boring.  In fact, that's the last thing God wants for us.  He want's us to live a dramatic, full of life, adventure in Him.  It's not easy.  It's not supposed to be.  It might even kill you, but it's an adventure.

For now, all I can say is that I'm working on it.


  1. Working on it= success in my book :)

  2. Wow! That is a great way to think about life. Living it to our fullest potential can be hard and exhausting at times, but I believe it'll be worth it. Good luck in your journey!

  3. Great word (as always), Danette! God has been stretching me so much in the past few months as I've been realizing how much I limit Him with my boring little routine life. I'm learning to embrace the new doors He's opening and have an expectation for greater things to come...all for His glory. 'Thanks for the encouragement. I'm working on it too! ;)

    1. "...all for His glory." Always. Love that.

      Oh, the's a hard one to break. It's almost as if it just takes a choice.

  4. For me me this involves letting go of needless distractions and choosing the "better portion."
    Working on it is always a good thing! :)

    1. That's all we can do it work on it. Thank you for stopping by.

  5. This is such an inspirational reminder!

  6. Woah! What a great smack in the face!!! I love quotes like this that totally wake me up. Wow! That's great! Thanks!

    xoxo, kerri


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