Life Hacks: Slicing Cherry and Grape Tomatos in Half

If you follow me on SnapChat or Instagram you'll know I'm a salad kind-of-a-girl.  I usually have some kind of salad ever day.  I love all the fresh fruits and vegetables that add color and life to a salad.  There's just one problem...those cherry or grape tomatoes.  I prefer them sliced in half.  Otherwise, they can be just a little bit too big.  But have you tried to put a pint of to tomatoes?!  That is a chore.  Well, it used to be a chore.

Recently, I discovered the most amazing cooking hack ever.  EVER!  (Thank you Martha Stewart youtube videos.)  I have no doubt that this is going to save you a ton of time.

Here's how it goes...

You're going to need a long serrated knife, two lids (just use two of those plastic lids from your tupperware), and tomatoes.

 1.  Prep your tomatoes.  Go ahead and wash them.

2.  Place tomatoes in between the two lids and cover with the 2nd lid.

3.  Run your knife through the center of the two lids.  I used a long bread knife.

4.  Viola!  You're ready to use those tomatoes on the stove in a pasta or in a salad.

Super simple, but pretty genius.  Thanks again, Martha!

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