Recently I got the opportunity to participate in a community theater project in Sand Springs, Oklahoma. It was a lot of fun. I made many good, good friends. (All that's another story for another time.) But there is one new friend added to my circle that truly amazes me. She is absolutely the most thoughtful, most gracious, most intentional person I have ever met.
She brought gifts and cookies to celebrate each cast members birthday during the production.
She brought gifts for everyone opening night.
She brought gifts for everyone opening night.
She invited us over to her house after one of the performances.
She took time out of her busy, successful professional life to create a game for the cast party unlike any other game.
She invited her entire acting class she teaches and purchased their tickets.
She is completely encouraging while being completely honest.
She perfected the character she portrayed to the highest standard.
Like, seriously, the list goes on and on and on...
I don't think I've ever met a person who lived out Paul's admonishment to the church at Philippi more completely. "Don't be selfish; don't try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves" (Philippians 2:3).
This lady, only a little younger than myself, puts me to shame. Humble, thoughtful, detail oriented. Everyone loves her because she makes everyone love themselves.
The way you make other people feel about themselves is the way they will feel about you.
Sitting at my desk now, overwhelmed with emotion and conviction and a little bit of shame, I recognize that I want my life to be marked with intention. And yet, I remember Paul's words to the church at Rome, "I don't really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don't do it. Instead, I do what I hate" (Romans 7:15). So many times I feel like Paul.
I want every single action to be executed with one purpose. Not for selfish gain or ambition, I want to encourage people. I want people to believe in themselves. I want people to see that they have infinite potential. I want to be able to encourage people to reach the greatness that is possible.
I want every single action to be executed with one purpose. Not for selfish gain or ambition, I want to encourage people. I want people to believe in themselves. I want people to see that they have infinite potential. I want to be able to encourage people to reach the greatness that is possible.
Investing in others takes time. It takes thought. It requires a sacrifice of yourself. But investing in others is always worth the cost.
Tweet: Investing in others takes time, thought, & sacrifice. But investing in others is always worth the cost. @danettedillon #liveyourfaith #dayspring
I've decided to join with DaySpring for the 21 Days of Encouragement. For the next 21 Days I'm going to intentionally do something to encourage someone else. DaySpring has so many different resources to help me on my encouragement journey. You can check them out here.
I hope that you will join me on these 21 Days of Encouragement, but even if you don't remember that when you encourage others suddenly you find yourself resting in contentment and joy.
Tweet: When you encourage others suddenly you find yourself resting in contentment and joy. @danettedillon #liveyourfaith #dayspring
What are some ways you can encourage others? I've been told it's all in the details.

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