Mentor Me, Please 2

Thursday night was a great night.  God moved and inspired me in so many ways.  I just thought I would share with you some of the thoughts that I spoke on Thursday.  The following is part of the transcript.  If you get the chance, you need to hear Linda Goldner and Dana Olson share on mentoring.  It was so very powerful.

Hope you are challenged.


Thank you so much for being here tonight at for this special night of inspiration.  I’ve been so excited for this event to happen.   Originally, the idea for a night or day of mentoring was conceived from just a general observation about the lack of the Biblical mandate for mentoring and training. 

We all recognize our need to go into the world and preach the Gospel to every creature baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  It’s the great commission given to the church.  We must be His witness. 

We also understand that God gave us the power of the Holy Spirit for the empowerment to fulfill this great commission.  In Acts 1:8 Jesus himself says, “And you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses.” 

Unfortunately, the modern church has forgotten about a few important principles outlined in the Acts and in the epistles.  That is a mandate for discipleship and mentoring.  So why tonight?  Why is this the avenue that we are using to begin this change?

In my own personal life I’ve had many opportunities and examples to follow that have pointed me to Christ, that have helped me be a better pastor, that have kept me hungry for more of God’s presence and helped me in my journey to become more like Him.    Some have helped me through their example to me in my own home and others have challenged me from a distance.  But whatever the relationship they have helped me to become more of the woman of God I’m called to be. 

There’s a lie that the enemy likes to use on us.  It’s the law of isolation…that we don’t need people…that we don’t need help…that we don’t need friendship…that we suffer in silence.  And the lie of the modern day church is that everything is ok…no, my kids aren’t driving me crazy…my marriage is fine…I completely understand what this verse means…who do you think you are?  I’m absolutely fine…I know how to juggle a personally life and ministry…I’m fine.  But, as I said, that is a lie of the enemy.  We do need each other.  We do need help.  We all need to be mentored and discipled.  Further, we all need to mentor and disciple.  That is part of the work of the Church.  I love the way the Message paraphrase says this.  From Galatians 6:2, “Stoop down and reach out to those who are oppressed.  Share their burdens, and so complete Christ’s law.”

Ultimately, that is the birthplace of night…a journey to grow in our pursuit of Christ…to become more like Christ and to be His light…a carrier of His presence and power…an example and a witness to His everlasting love.

Thank you so much for joining us.  More than anything we are praying that tonight sparks a desire in you to become for like Christ…to be nothing less than who God’s called YOU to be.  If you’re a mother than be a mother for the glory of God.  If you are a worship leader than lead people into the presence of God with integrity and honesty.  If you are a business woman than in everything you do bring glory to God.  If you are a teacher than be a godly example to the students that you add.  If you are a pastor than pastor with loving compassion with the eyes of Jesus.  May we all become more of who God’s created us to be.

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