Dreams are a curious thing.
These gifts...these visions...these hopes have the ability to push us forward, moving us from on place to the next. I'm sure you've heard the phrase "living on a dream."
Still, these same aberrations can paralyze us with fear. They have an immobilizing effect. Stand still too long and you'll find that you've taken root in the very place you planned never to live.
Or perhaps, sometimes you might find yourself in a deep night...unable to see the stars for the clouds...living in doubt fearing that the next step is your last. Only calamity could lie ahead.
Yes, dreams are a very curious thing.
I'm what some people call a dreamer. I have dreams--big dreams--dreams that could never happen on their own. But for all my dreaming, I'm not a planner and far too often I find myself planted, unable to move, looking for little stars of hope, just paralyzed.
I think more than anything it's the fear that does me in. Fear that God's dreams in my heart won't come true. Fear that I've made it up. Fear that I'm living a lie. My fear that I will fail and fail miserably.
But that all is of the past.
God's word is insistently clear. God's perfect love casts out all fear (1 John 4:18). So why am I afraid? Why do I fear? I know that "He who began a good work in [me] will be faithful to complete it" (Philippians 1:6). His Word is light to my path. He guides me in all things, even my dreams, and He orders my steps as I dwell in His Word (Psalm 37:23).
I've started making my plans, ever so small. It seems these small shifts are just enough movement to shake me from my slumber and to help move me forward. It all starts with one small step...doing what I can do and believe that God will do the rest.
I challenge you with this. Dream big and plan small. Start today. Never let fear be the cause for delay.
Linking up today with Holly Garth for the 21 Days to Change Your Life Challenge. I encourage you to read this ebook. It's really challenging me.

This reminds me of the Simon and Garfunkel song, Dream, Dream, Dream...=)
ReplyDeleteIt is important to dream. It ives us something to aim for. Maybe it happens, maybe it doesn't but at least we moved.
I like that...maybe it happens, maybe it doesn't but at least we moved. That's good.
DeleteI love this post. I think the fact that you dream big is an indication of your faith and the desires of your heart! I have often felt as you described- paralyzed, afraid, unsure of my next step. Wanting to do so much but not knowing where to start. I have often been told that I need to take a step back and live fully in what God has given me. I get ahead of myself! I think you have an amazing heart for wanting to do great things- and God will definitely make these dreams come true:). I am excited to hear about this in the future from you!
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Danette! Thought-provoking and beautifully written.
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely a dreamer. I dream both short term and long term.
ReplyDeleteHolly, your words are the same words that God has been speaking to me lately. He wants me to step out NOW & just do it. Just put my foot in the Jordan River & watch him part the water. No more fear of the task, instead finding joy in it. Even my church just had a series on "full speed ahead"! God has spoken & I will follow his direction.
ReplyDeletei love this... i actually wrote this so close to my heart earlier this week. how i stand paralyzed due to obstacles, or the dream being too big...because its scary..even though i know the dream is there because of God, for some reason I fail to rely on God and to move with it and i hesitate..im like you. im a dreamer, but not a planner..i hate that sometimes.
ReplyDeletei also used that scripture Phillipians 1:6 in mypost last night.. hee hee. our minds are in same place this week =)
That's so funny. I love it when God speaks to people about the same things. It's like a confirmation through friends.
DeleteI love this post so much!!! You're so inspiring!!!
ReplyDeleteI love this! Now you got me thinking, in what ways do I need to DREAM BIG this year??
ReplyDeleteThanks for linking up with us this week!