Easy Valentine DIY {free printable}

Brightening someone's day is always so much fun--watching the smile come across their eyes...seeing the joy of their mouth as it spreads wide in a smile.  See, there's not very many things that are better in life than changing a bad day or an okay day into the best day all week.

And what a better time to do that than around Valentine's Day?

Here are a few ideas that I love.

For a quick and super easy tutorial of how to paint feed sack towel visit Make and Takes.  (Here's the link.)  I'm telling you...super easy.

Who doesn't love chocolate   Seriously, I know of one
person who doesn't eat chocolate and it's because she's allergic to it.  But trust me, if given the chance she'd still eat it.

Personalize your gift by molding your own chocolate treats.  For these, I melted the Wilson's chocolate in the microwave and used a squeeze bottle to pour it in the molds.  Before putting the molds in the freezer I added small toffee pieces.  They are so good...I had one.

For the little man in your life you could make a mustache.  I know he will like.

Every lady know that the packaging always sets a package apart from the rest.  For these I used craft bags from Kawaii Goods and 1 1/2 inche personalized Avery labels (22805).

I designed the stickers in photoshop and then loaded them on the the templete.  Here is the pdf file of those labels for you to use.

For the best printing quality make sure to print on full ink and be very vigilant to align your printer with the labels correctly.

You should be set to go.  I hope you have fun making and using these labels.  I just want to go around the house and put them on things!


Linking Up Today With



I came across a few links that I found incredibly interesting.  I think you will too.  Hope you enjoy.

+ Today is the 25th anniversary of  the Phantom of the Opera.  Congratulations to Andrew Lloyd Webber and the many performers, directors, and front house people who have built this show into a phenomena.

+ As a single woman who's never been pregnant, I've wondered what child birth feels like.  Apparently, I'm not the only one.  Here's a video a two Danish men who underwent a labor symbolization.  Wow is all I can say.

Wheatgrass, eh?  Well, it may not be the most yummy drink, but it's good for you.

+ I don't know about you, but I have several friends with the flu.  How insanely adorable are these get well cards from The Indigo Bunting?!

+ I'm a sucker for office supplies.  What if they could all match?  They can if you use poppin.com.

Blogging Values


Let Us No Grow Weary

Pregnancy is an experience that can be described as both enjoyable and utterly disgusting.   Mind you, I don't know this from experience.  I've never been pregnant.  But I've had many friends that have been blessed with the responsibility of child birth.

I've heard it many times...the excitement in her voice when she tells me she's expecting.  I've heard hours worth of discussion on how being pregnant is the best feeling in the world.

I've also seen and heard the misery as that ever looming due date draws close.  I've heard about the heart burn, the miserable discomfort, the sleepless nights, the restroom stops, the phantom contractions, the waiting.  Oh, the waiting.  Waiting on the dream to come.

And, I've been there at the bedsides of life when my friends have lost their sweet gifts.  The lives they looked forward to holding and loving in the real world slips from their hands.  I've lived their agony with them and done my best to carry them through.  My heart still breaks now as I think of those God inspired lives lost from their mothers' arms until eternity's peace brings them back again.

I've never been pregnant with a child.  I've never had that privilege.   In same ways that gift seems almost illusive.  But I have been pregnant with a dream.  In my mind this invisible pregnancy is just as real.  The joy is real.  The pain is every so real.

I've felt the agony of that dream being ripped from my soul.  I've laid on floors with my heart bare before God.  I waited up for hours in the night.  I've
burned with deep passion.  Hoping.  Praying.  Waiting.  Waiting on the dream to be birthed, hoping no more, but experiencing the actualization of my dream.

You've been there too.  I feel that from you.

I'm still there now.  Pregnant with a promise, hoping on a dream.

Waiting sometimes seems to be all there is to do, but thank God there is more.  Much more.

First, we must grow our relationship with Christ.  We will have to sacrifice some of our own wants to get closer to Him.  We have to make room for Him in our life.  Jesus must be #1 above anything or anyone else.  Yes, he must be before our kids.  He must be before our husband (or boyfriends or dogs).

We grow in our relationship with God by getting back to the basics.  Reading our Bibles.  Praying everyday.  Fasting to kill our sinful nature.  Fellowshipping with other godly believers who will help us grow.  

I guess we could call these elements our Lamaze coaches.  They help regulate our breathing and they help us know when to push.  We need the presence of Christ, the wisdom of His Word, and the sanctuary of His people to see our birthing season through.

We need each other and we need Christ.

Second, we must start somewhere.  Do something.  Quit waiting on God to magically open the one door in front of you and look for another door that is open.  When God gives you a dream, start talking about it.  Get it in our mind and in your mouth.  See it start to happen.  It won't be long until you find your dream is right in front of you.

Last, we must never, ever give up.

In Galatians 6:9 Paul wrote, "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap if we faint not."  Waiting is difficult, but that doesn't mean we just give up.  Maybe the reason your dream hasn't shown up in our life is because God is using the hardships, the trials, the waiting to produce character in you.

Does labor hurt?  Yes.  It's supposed to hurt.  But remember, "pain may last for the night, but joy comes with the morning" (Psalm 30:5).

Don't let the waiting and pain and hurt keep you from the joy of a dream fully birthed.

Linking Up With
Wow Wow Wednesday with This Girls Life



It's been something of a busy, but oh so rewarding weekend.

+ Friday was filled with a day of travel.  I went to Paris.  Ok, not really, but kinda.  (Read more  about the Paris trip here.)  But I can say positively, for certain that I will be going to Paris for real in September 2013.  I'm incredibly excited about this news.

Pam & Jim King spoke at the event.  (You may remember Pam from her guest post here.)  This event raised over $25,000 in cash and pledges for kids camps in Europe and for missionaries going to the field.

+ Saturday was filled with my kids.  (Read more about my kids here.)  They're not really my kids, but I love them very much.  This weekend was our annual Weekend Worship Workshop with the youth team.  We had so much fun!  I had so much fun!

+ Sunday was church, obviously, and the conclusion of the Weekend Worship Workshop.  God's presence showed up in a marked way this morning.  I'm so thankful when the Holy Spirit works in and through God's people to see lives changed, healed, and transformed.

That was my weekend in a nutshell.  Here are a few more pictures from the Pink N Pretty N Paris event.  Oh, what fun we had!


Paris Is Always a Good Idea

Tonight I'm going to Paris.

Ok. not literally, but I'm going to Paris just the same.  (In the near future I will be going to Paris, but more on that later.)

Tonight I'll be attending an event with another 1,200 ladies.  This is a fundraising event to raise money for kids camps in Europe.  It is going to be a ton of fun!

As I've been preparing, I'm finding French theme things everywhere so I'd thought I share some.

I hope you enjoy and I hope to have you back in the days to come.  More pictures are forthcoming.

Betty In Paris from Olive Us on Vimeo


Dreams Are a Curious Thing

Dreams are a curious thing.

These gifts...these visions...these hopes have the ability to push us forward, moving us from on place to the next.  I'm sure you've heard the phrase "living on a dream."

Still, these same aberrations can paralyze us with fear.  They have an immobilizing effect.  Stand still too long and you'll find that you've taken root in the very place you planned never to live.

Or perhaps, sometimes you might find yourself in a deep night...unable to see the stars for the clouds...living in doubt fearing that the next step is your last.  Only calamity could lie ahead.

Yes, dreams are a very curious thing.

I'm what some people call a dreamer.  I have dreams--big dreams--dreams that could never happen on their own.  But for all my dreaming, I'm not a planner and far too often I find myself planted, unable to move, looking for little stars of hope, just paralyzed.

I think more than anything it's the fear that does me in.  Fear that God's dreams in my heart won't come true.  Fear that I've made it up.  Fear that I'm living a lie.  My fear that I will fail and fail miserably.

But that all is of the past.

God's word is insistently clear.  God's perfect love casts out all fear (1 John 4:18).  So why am I afraid?  Why do I fear?  I know that "He who began a good work in [me] will be faithful to complete it" (Philippians 1:6).  His Word is light to my path.  He guides me in all things, even my dreams, and He orders my steps as I dwell in His Word (Psalm 37:23).

I've started making my plans, ever so small.  It seems these small shifts are just enough movement to shake me from my slumber and to help move me forward.  It all starts with one small step...doing what I can do and believe that God will do the rest.

I challenge you with this.  Dream big and plan small.  Start today.  Never let fear be the cause for delay.

Linking up today with Holly Garth for the 21 Days to Change Your Life Challenge.  I encourage you to read this ebook.  It's really challenging me.


Also linking up here:
Upward Not Inward: Into the Word Wednesdays
Rethinking My Thinking: This Really Got Me

January Sponsor Darlings + Giveaway

We've got a rockin' giveaway for you so make sure to click over and fill out the rafflecopter widget.  It's worth it!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

5 Tips to Build Great Relationships

Life is difficult.

But what's worse than living through a hard part in life?  

Living through it alone.

The older I get the more I'm finding that life can be very difficult, but the beauty of it all is God did not create us to be alone.  He created us to live in community, first, with Him, and then with the world around us.

I'll be the first to admit, starting a friendship is hard.  Opening up is hard.  Finding like minded people who are in the same place as you is hard, but there is power in community.

We know this is God's plan for His children--to be in community with other like minded people.  There's strength in numbers.  There's hope in knowing we're not facing the enemy or the world alone.  Peter wrote this, "Stay alert!
Watch out for your great enemy, the devil.  He prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." (1 Peter 5:8)

When life comes against you or when the devil comes against you or when your own mind comes against you, you're going to need someone--a friend--to keep you grounded in the truth.  That friend will be the person to pull you back into the group.  That person or group of people will be the one who will pray for you.  That person will be the one to say, "I don't think you need to re-evaluate here."

I'll be the first to admit building and keeping strong, healthy relationships has not been my strongest quality.  Especially since college.  Still, I believe very strongly in the power of friendship and in the power of community.

Here's 5 tips to building great relationships.  I have to work everyday to enact these in my life or else they'll never happen.  Sometimes I get it right.  Other days I fail miserably.  The point here is to do something.

1.  Intentionally spend time with together.

Friendships rarely just happen on their own.  The must be nurtured.  That means time has to be invested.  Money has to be invested.  Heart has to be invested.

Invite a new friend to coffee or to go out to eat.  If you feel a little uncomfortable do it in a group.  Invest time in your friendship and soon you'll find it blossoming.

2.  Be vulnerable even when it hurts.

I would bet that the primary deterrent to a new budding relationship is the memory of a past friendship that blew up.  Trust me, it hurts.  Guess what.  It's going to hurt again.  People hurt people.  It's our nature.  But the past is the past.

Take a step.  Move forward.  Forgive and move on.  You'll be happier and you won't be alone.

3.  Listen...really listen.

Personality aside, it's important to hear what your new friend is saying.  Put that psychology class to work.

4.  Sacrifice yourself.

I've got a huge problem with this one.  It's probably the most difficult thing for me.

I believe passionately in EVERYTHING.  I have a strong opinion on everything.  My sister told me yesterday that even if the entire world was against me, I'd still believe what I believe.

When I'm in conflict with someone, I have the worst time letting it go.  It's not that I'm judging them.  I believe it's their choice to make.  I have a tendency to think that if people don't agree with me they don't deserve my time.

How terrible is that?!?  That is a hideous, ugly, tasty point of view, but it's one that I battle with every single day.  (I'm being vulnerable here.  Don't judge me. :))

Do the hard thing, but the correct thing, and sacrifice yourself for your friend.

5.  Pray for each other.

Whether you believe it or not, we need the support of our friends.  And we need them to pray for us.  That's just the way it is.

I love what Ecclesiastes 4:12 says, "A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a three-braided cord is not easily broken."

Pretty clear cut if you ask me...

God never intended for us to be
alone.  He wants us to primary have a relationship with Him, but He also wants us to have a relationship with His people.  He cared enough for His people to send His only Son, Jesus, to die for our sins.

Because of Christ's redemptive work of the cross, because He rose
from the grave, because or His grace and the power of the Holy Spirit we can believe that He is calling us deeper...deeper to Him and deeper with each other.

I challenge you, don't go through life alone.  Don't live by yourself.  Live life with Christ and live life with His people.  Find a small group.  Join a Bible Study.  Do SOMETHING to grow your friendships.

At my church's women's retreat last spring (read about that here & here) I ended up driving the church van.  We were quite the hodge-podge of ladies thrown together on that van, but something happened.

Driving down the road, listening to each other, learning from each other, friendships were formed and developed.

Once a month this group of ladies get together to reconnect.  Some are older.  Some are single.  Some widowed.  Some married.  Some are grandparents.  Some are childless.  But there's one thing that we are all committed too--growing in relationship with each other and growing in relationship with Christ.

Do you have any tips to growing friendships?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Linking Up At:
Motivating Monday Link Up at CEO of Me
Clever Chicks
Also linking up here:
Upward Not Inward: Into the Word Wednesdays
Rethinking My Thinking: This Really Got Me

Saturday's Song Link Up




Saturday's Song is a Blog Hop where bloggers who love Christian music share the music that God uses to speak to them! So, turn on your radio, Pandora, Jango, or pop in your favorite CD, and get your post ready for next week's Link Up!!

This goal of this Blog Hop is to broaden your view of Christian music using a different theme/challenge each week.

If you are a blogger who loves Christian
music, join us in connecting with other bloggers and sharing our love of Christian music with the blogosphere! Enjoy!!

This week's theme/challenge:

This is a song that has been shaking me to the core.  Sometimes I think that we don't really understand the depth of Christ's love for us.  I'm sure if we did our reaction to God would be entirely different.  

We know God loves us in our head, but do we believe that in our hearts?  Surely if we did, we'd trust God's sovereignty.  We'd know, in our hearts, that we can trust Him implicitly.  We'd trust His heart.

Next week's theme/challenge:
A song relating to your job/profession/career.  Get your post ready for next week's Link Up!!

Let's get this Link Up Party started!  We would LOVE it if you linked up with a post about a song God uses to speak to you about Love.

Saturday's Song Blog Hop Rules:
1. Write a post that follows the weekly theme/challenge.
2. Follow the host and hostesses via GFC.
3. Grab a button to put on your blog - the more the merrier!
4. Check out (and comment) other people's blogs.
5. Be blessed by all the sisters and brothers around the world!


January Must List

There are several things on this list that I'm saving my Christmas money to purchase...specifically #6.  I can't
wait to ride my bike all over town.  (Please do not make any references to Queen's I Want to Ride My Bicycle.)

Here's the break down.

Don't forget to check out past Must Lists: DecemberNovember, & October.

Up Close & Personal with Megan of Moms Surviving Kids

Up Close & Personal is a blog series where you will be introduced to bloggers that I trust and value.  I hope that you enjoy getting to know Megan.  Be sure to stop by her blog.

Hello! My name is Megan Githens and I blog over at Moms Surviving Kids! I have been lucky enough to work with Danette in the bloggy world recently. She has been amazing at helping me find avenues to grow my blog and I am grateful! Here is my Up Close and Personal Profile!

I started my blog just this past November, I wanted to find a way to share my thoughts on Motherhood and raising kids and surviving it all. I blog about real life from the viewpoints of a mom, a counselor and a
theoretical human development background. You will find a hodgepodge of different articles to read on my blog!

I am a Colorado Native and I currently reside in Monument, CO with my husband of 6 1/2 years along with our three children, 5 year old identical twin boys and a 3 year old daughter and our crazy 11 month old Boxer Rocco. They keep us busy! We love to be outside in the beautiful Colorado sunshine going on hikes and bike rides. We are a very close family and enjoy spending time together going to the park, museums, zoos and aquariums. Personally, I keep myself balanced by working out and practicing yoga. I find peace in being outdoors with my family.

My career path has been in education and I have been a licensed school counselor for 7 years now, I love what I do! However, my latest project is creating a line of Mommy Survival products that will be hopefully launching to the public in the near future. I am excited to share these things with other moms and dads as they are things I wish existed when my children were younger. I hope that you will follow me to keep up with my blog and get updates on the launch of my new products!

Thanks for reading and I look forward to sharing my world with all of you!


Almost Friday Blog Hop

and now it's time for...
"Almost Friday" Thursday Blog Hop!


Almost Friday Thursday BlogHop
1. add the Almost Friday Thursday Blog Hop button to site or blog post.
2. "like" or follow the host and all of these lovely co-hosts on facebook and/or follow them of GFC!*
3. link up your blog, blog post, giveaway down below and make new friends! go visit old friends! follow!
comment! spread the love!

4. and have fun! why? because it's almost Friday!

*also, to make sure things are fair, blogs who do not "like" and/or follow the host and all the co-host will be removed.

your host:

meet this week's simply awesome GUEST co-hosts!
want to be a guest co-host? click here!


and now meet the ever so lovely the regular crew:


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